In 2022, BDR introduced a new route format. The BDR-X is a shorter, loop-style route designed for riders who are looking for a true BDR experience, but ridable in a more condensed timeframe.

BDR-Xs are stand-alone routes that highlight the best riding in areas that may not lend themselves to a full BDR route, or are worthy extensions off of an existing route. These loops are ideal for long weekend adventures as they can be typically be completed in 3-5 days.

While not formally rated, BDR provides basic guidance on route difficulty of our main sections during favorable road and weather conditions:

BDR-X Routes Difficulty (from Harder to Easier):

Big Bend, TX  -> Red Desert, WY -> Steens/Alvord, OR ->  Chattahoochee, GA -> Black Hills, SD -> PA Wilds, PA

Backcountry Discovery Routes is a 501c(3) non-profit corporation. © 2025 Backcountry Discovery Routes, Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.