September 24-26, 2021
Overland Expo® is the premier overlanding event series in the world—no other event offers the scope of classes taught by the world’s leading experts alongside a professional-level trade show that brings together all the camping and vehicle and motorcycle equipment and services you need to Get Outfitted. Get Trained. Get Inspired. Get Going.
As always, the Overland Expo West features an array of fun activities for adventure motorcycle enthusiasts (Read about the Moto Scene at the Overland Expo). BDR is pleased to participate in this year’s Flagstaff event in the following ways:
Friday, 9/24
8:00 pm – Our latest film ‘BDR – A 10 Year Retrospective’, will be screened immediately following the raffle (which starts at 7:00 and typically wraps up just before 8:00).
The Q&A with BDR Board members Bill Whitacre & Ron West, and filmmaker Sterling Noren, will start around 9:20 pm.
Saturday 9/25
10:00 am to 11:00 am – Overland Responsibly Roundtable, where BDR is one of the panelists.
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm – ‘Backcountry Discovery Routes at a Glance’, a BDR Presentation by Bill Whitacre & Ron West.
(Backcountry Discovery Routes at a Glance: Over the last 11 years, the BDR non-profit organization has been creating off-pavement routes for adventure travelers, making it easy to explore America’s magnificent public lands by motorcycle or an overlanding vehicle, and to see parts of the country that most people will never see. Join the BDR team for an informative presentation covering all 10 existing BDR routes, their appeals and challenges. This is your chance to ask any BDR-related questions, and get help in planning your next BDR adventure.)
7:00 pm – The Rider Justice Moto Party & Dinner, with BDR named the beneficiary of this event. Bill Whitacre & Ron West will be accepting the donation on behalf of the BDR. You’ll need is an Add-On ticket to join this dinner.